How to Stop Your Puppy from Crying

When you first bring a puppy home, you’ll find that after a short span of time, your puppy will start to whine and cry. This is instinctive behavior. Your puppy isn’t used to being away from the rest of his family, or not being around other dogs.

He feels lonely, and possibly afraid. While he may like you, being on his own is a new experience for him, and he doesn’t know what to do. So he whines, or cries, seeing if his family is nearby. It gets worse without an answer from the dogs he’s familiar with, which leads you to wonder how you can stop a puppy from crying.

Easy way to stop Your Puppy from Crying.

This is actually easier than most owners think it is. You need to let your puppy know that it’s safe with you. The first few nights alone in your house, you can let the puppy sleep in the bedroom with you. It’s important that he has his own bed to sleep in.

If you let your puppy sleep in the bed with you, he’ll develop behavioral problems later on that will be hard to break him away from. Instead, let him sleep in his own bed near yours. Constant contact with you will stop a puppy from crying.

In order to stop a puppy from crying in the future, you have to be able to interpret his wines and cries. You need to know the reasons for them. Is he hungry? Does he want attention? Does he need to go to the bathroom? If it’s been a lengthy amount of time, it’s likely that your puppy has to go to the bathroom.

Take him outside and let him go. If, however, you get outside and he doesn’t go, or it’s been too short of a time span in between meals, your puppy may just want attention from you. This is completely understandable.

Give your puppy plenty of attention. Play with him, talk to him, and spend time with him. But don’t overdo it. You need to set limits in order to stop the puppy from crying. Sometimes it’s OK to try to ignore him, although this doesn’t usually work. When the puppy persists in his crying, you can tell him to be quiet.

Use a gruff, but firm voice. Don’t yell at your puppy, as this will probably scare him, and make him whine even louder. Be firm and consistent with your tough love approach. If you continue to reinforce the fact that crying won’t get him anywhere, eventually you can stop a puppy from crying altogether.