Stop Puppies Digging – Different Strategies to Consider

Stop puppies digging…now!  This is a thought that has come across the minds of many dog owners.  Regardless of what breed a person has, at some point in time they will experience this problem.

However, there is a bit of good news.  Contrary to what some believe, puppies do not dig out of emotion.  Usually, it is a matter of instinct.  So, when trying to get a puppy to stop digging, you must take one of two approaches.  You can either indulge his instinct or encourage him to override it with a deterrent.

Know more about to Stop Your Puppy From Biting.

To indulge your puppy’s instinct, you can create a special digging area in your yard.  One way you can do this is to build a pit.  Just dig up an area that is around 2 feet long and 20 inches deep.  Mix the dirt you dug up with sand, and then bury your dog’s favorite treat.  Make sure he sees everything.  If you do this regularly, your puppy will naturally gravitate to the pit.  The same is also true if you use a sand box.  It is offers a more organized alternative when you try to stop the digging.

Deterrents are another approach to stopping the digging.  The easiest and most humane deterrent can be made right in your kitchen.  Simply mix together chili powder and water and put the solution in a spray bottle.  Sprinkle a little bit of the mixture around the areas that your dog likes to dig up.  When he smells it, instinct will tell him something is “off” with that location.

You can make things even more powerful if you refill each hole with the dog’s feces.  If he still decides to dig, he will not like what comes up.  Instinct will then take over again, since every animal knows that you should stay away from feces.

Scolding is another deterrent you can use to stop puppies digging.  To be effective, you must catch the dog in action.  As he is digging, remove him from the area and tell him, “No, bad dog!”  Use a stern tone of voice.  The dog will know that he upset his master.  And if you do this enough times, the scolding alone will be enough for him to get the message.  Just make sure you aren’t mean in the process.

You should never hit a dog, nor should you scold him for too long a time.  Both can be very detrimental to a puppy’s psyche.  One quick reprimand is all you need to get things in order.