How To Potty Train a Dog – Doing it the Right Way

Understanding how to potty train a dog successfully can make the difference between a great experience with the new member of a family and what can seem like endless frustration.

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Whether it is an older rescue dog or a brand-new puppy, there are a few tips and techniques that can help just about anyone train their dog to go to the bathroom outside rather than on the carpet.

The first thing that every owner should do is learn how to interpret their animals behavior. A dog will give subtle clues when it needs to go. For example, if the dog is sniffing around excessively it probably needs to go outside.

Once a dog is spotted sniffing around in a way that is different from his normal behavior, the owner should quickly carry or lead the dog outside. The longer the owner waits the greater chance that there will be an accident.

Many dog owners make a crucial mistake at this point. Knowing how to potty train means understanding that the animal should be taken to the same place each time it goes outside. A dog that is being trained to eliminate outdoors should not be taken on long walks when it is time to go to the bathroom.

Once the dog is in the area that the owner has designated as its bathroom, the owner will have to patiently wait for the dog to do his thing. Depending on the animal, this can take some time. It is important not to try and rush the animal or put too much stress on him.

Dogs are excellent at reading subtle cues from their owners and an owner that is frustrated can easily stress out the dog. One thing that all trainers can agree on when it comes to teaching owners how to potty train a dog is that the animal must be praised once it has done the deed successfully.

Providing the dog with a crate to sleep in at night will reduce the number of nighttime accidents. Dogs will instinctively try their best to avoid relieving themselves where they sleep. Of course, younger dogs should still be taken out periodically during the night until they get the hang of going outside. 

Many people that do not understand potty training make the mistake of punishing the animal when it has an accident indoors. Yelling at the dog, rubbing his nose in the mess he has made, or even striking the animal will make the process of potty training more difficult.